Collection: Wenche Landaas

Color and Storytelling

Wenche Landaas, a Norwegian artist, sees art as a journey and color as a shade of the day and the presence of the moment. Her artistic expression spans drawing, painting, sculpture and journaling. In his creation, Wenche makes many choices, sometimes deliberately and sometimes by chance, where why a color is red instead of blue can be as mysterious as an inner voice.

Like a living story, Wenche lets the brush and crayon follow their own path. Her work is like a living narrative where recognizable figures, crawling animals and plants move across the canvas. Some go over the edge and lose themselves, while others get caught up in a colorful mind world and are gently trapped. The characters in her work undergo changes in form and nature during the dance of the brush - a magic reminiscent of the world of fairy tales.

Wenche Landaas creates works of art that are not only visually appealing but also carry a subtle magic that challenges the viewer to explore the path of art in a personal way.


Workshop with Gabriella Gøransson.
The interdisciplinary art institute (DTK), Bærum. Diploma in Arts and Crafts + 1 year specialization.
Vika Kunstskole, Oslo, classical drawing/painting
Various art courses under the auspices of Free Education


Å's art association
Bærum municipality
Akershus art center, Kunstvisitten
Gallery De3Rom, Fornebu
The Romerik exhibition, Lørenskog and Ullensaker Kunstforening
Kommunegården in Bærum municipalityE
Drammen Museum v. Buskerud Bildende Kunstnere
City Hall Gallery, Oslo