Collection: Natalie Jendel

Painting, Illustration and Design

Artist, illustrator and graphic designer - Natalie Jendel, based in Huddinge, Stockholm, is a creative force that thrives whether on screen or digital media.

Art: With a diverse background ranging from acrylic and watercolor painting to charcoal and graphite drawing, Natalie brings these traditional techniques into the digital world. Inspired by people and nature, she creates works that explore themes ranging from environments to flowers, all presented through both figurative and abstract art. The colors, which are a source of constant inspiration, create calm and peaceful atmospheres with a depth that invites the viewer to explore and make their own interpretations.

Illustration & Design: Natalie's digital works take shape in Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, while her analogue works are created with ink, pencils, colored pencils and watercolour. Her work spans various areas such as fashion, beauty, nature, interior design, children and social issues. Conscious of color choices and driven by conveying emotions and moods, Natalie creates illustrations and design solutions that go beyond the visual and engage the viewer on a deeper level.

Natalie Jendel is not just an artist but a storyteller, and every brush stroke and color choice is a chapter in her artistic journey. Her work is an invitation to the viewer to travel into a world of beauty, reflection and personal interpretations.