Collection: Maria Krull

Maria Krull: Painting Artist with a Passion for Portraiture

"I am a Swedish visual artist with a studio at Östermalm in Stockholm. Here I explore the boundaries between fantasy and reality in my painting. I have been working as a professional artist since 2016 and have specialized in the media acrylic and oil - where I interweave elements from other materials such as charcoal, chalk and ink for expressionistic expressions.

My art style can be described as abstract realism where I capture objects or people in a way that is close to reality - while leaving room for interpretation and abstraction. This gives my painting an expressionistic character, which opens up for the viewer to create their own unique meaning in each painting.

I am a trained behavioral scientist, which contributes to a deep understanding of human cognition and emotion that characterizes my portraits. Through mindfulness and meditation I find balance and inspiration.

As a self-taught artist, I constantly explore new techniques and challenge the limits of my creativity - inspired by contemporary styles and trends within the international art world.

I strive to create art that not only catches the eye but also touches the soul. My goal is to create work that evokes emotion and resonates with the viewer - I welcome different interpretations and stories in viewing my art."