Collection: Anette Björk Swensson

Anette Björk Swensson skilfully explores the interface between abstraction and representation in her artistry. Using oil or watercolor as her means of expression, she draws inspiration from the lines and architecture of her surrounding environment as well as contrasts and similarities with the natural beauty around her. Regardless of her choice of motif, it is the play of light and the rhythm of the lines that most often serve as a source of inspiration for her. Anette Björk Swensson creates works of art that are imbued with a unique balance between the abstract and the concrete, and where each brushstroke carries a story about her artistic exploration.


Art Students League, New York


Gallery Mats Bergman, Karlstad
Gallery Alleman's Cat, Stockholm
Gallery 80, Linköping
Swedish Church, New York
Gallery Linné, Uppsala
Green Palette, Stockholm
Gallery The overview
Gallery Helle Knudsen, Stockholm
Gallery Helle Knuden, Stockholm
Agardh & Tornvall, Stockholm


Gallery Alleman's Cat, Stockholm
International Art Expo, Stockholm
Marie Pellicone Gallery, New York
The Loft Gallery, New York
Xavier Gallery, New York
Art Students League, New York
Gallery Linné, Uppsala
Mertz Contemporary Art, London
Spring in Västerort, Stockholm
Liljevalch's Spring Salon, Stockholm
Karby Farm